Mar 29, 2025
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For awhile, I've been familiar with the term phishing, which is receiving an email from someone who is pretending to be from a company asking for personal information. Recently, I learned about a new scam: cramming.

Cramming basically means you're being charged for something that you didn't sign up for. These scam companies can use your name and phone number to "charge" you a fee for long distance service, collect calls, voicemail service, web hosting, and club memberships.

Cramming charges can be small, like $2 or $3, and easy to overlook. But even when the phony charges aren’t small, they may sound like fees you do owe. That makes them tough to pick out, especially if your phone bill varies month to month. These charges can appear on your cell phone bill, too.

To catch these bogus charges, take time to read your bill each month. Make it a habit to check the charges on your bill each month for services you haven’t ordered or calls you haven’t made. If your bill goes up one month, even by just a few dollars, take a closer look.

Also, if you pay your bill online, never set it up for AutoPay. AutoPay automatically deducts your bill payment from your checking account or your credit card each month. If you do have phony charges on your bill, it may be harder to dispute them if your bill has already been paid.

If you think you've been a victim of cramming, you should file a complaint. Even if you get a refund, notify the FTC at, or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357). You also can file a complaint with your state Attorney General’s office (visit or check the government section of your phone book for the number) or the state agency that regulates phone service in your state — often the state public service commission or public utilities commission, which you can look up on the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners website at Try to include the names of all the companies involved, not just your telephone company.